sights and culture around the world
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   43026 views so far, last 2025-1-23  08:33 AM view entries below

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Name:     Annie  Home
Country: USA 2002-12-10  07:47 AM
Amazing page! It's one of the best I've seen. I really love all the photos. Where are you off to next?

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Name:     Elisabeth & Teije  Mail  Home
Country: The Netherlands 2002-12-6  01:47 AM
We like your site, especially the pictures.
Nice music

Great, you've been also in Portugal and Spain

We wish you all the best from boring Holland

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Name:     July  Mail
Country: France 2002-11-22  10:17 AM
Enjoyed travelling with you and thank you for sharing you impressions. Wish you many more exciting trips. How about a tour through France?


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Name:     Webmaestro  Home
Country: Australia 2002-8-29  06:49 AM
Very nice website. Please visit URGENT my website!!! Webmaestro

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Name:     Steve  Home
Country: USA 2002-8-11  01:20 AM
Enjoyed your site. Easy to navigate and extremely interesting. Your stories and insights make it so.

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Name:     Christine  Home
Country: USA 2002-8-5  12:02 PM
Thanks for sharing your photos. The ones of India are especially stunning.

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Name:     walter vaerewijck  Mail  Home
Country: belgium 2002-7-31  01:36 AM
Hi again
Liked your description of Croatia a lot.
I visited it for the first time when I was 11 (49 years ago!) and the love for this country is still existing. I just came back from another holiday in Cavtat near lovely Dubrovnik.
Soon (that means i a few months) my pages Croatia (in Dutch) will open. Ready:

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Name:     David Younker  Mail  Home
Country: United States 2002-7-15  11:28 AM
I chanced upon your web site looking for images of Niagara Falls. I've spent quite some time now viewing your pictures, text, and trip itneraries.

What a delightful web site and memoir of your experiences! I have taken a few trips by car across America, and have also been enriched and rewarded beyond description by those experiences. Thanks you for sharing yours with people like me.

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