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   43118 views so far, last 2025-2-17  04:33 PM view entries below

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Name:     t289t
Country: t289t 2007-11-2  08:41 PM
interesting site, great pictures!

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Name:     Unknown  Mail  Home Unknown
Country: Unknown 2007-9-19  07:46 PM
hi all. nice site. by.

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Name:     Unknown  Mail  Home Unknown
Country: Unknown 2007-8-3  10:09 PM
Hello! great idea of color of this siyte!

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Name:     Petr  Mail  Home
Country: Czech republic 2007-7-2  12:28 PM
Hallo, thank you for interrseting pages. As far I can see you travell a lot and have really nice photos. I have found cool site where people like you posts their travell experiences and photos as well. Check the, I guess you will like it. And your photos could get good ranking in there :-)



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Name:     E. GEdik  Mail
 2007-5-27  04:06 PM
would like to get info about textlink advertisement posiibilities and rate on your site.


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Name:     Thomas  Home
Country: Germany 2007-5-11  04:49 PM

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Name:     Ellis Jervis
Country: England 2007-4-24  09:33 PM
Thanks for a really great site.I have been learning about India at school and have had to do a project about India.You have some really good pictures and I understand India a lot more now.Thank You

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Name:     Unknown  Mail  Home Unknown
Country: Unknown 2007-4-16  12:56 PM
hi nice site.

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Name:     Alexandra  Mail
Country: Romania 2007-3-16  11:55 PM
I've just reached your website from Google Images. Good name!
The Mediterranea cruise part really impressed me, as last summer and autumn I worked as a photographer on Costa Mediterranea - the younger twin of Atlantica. The route was quite similar, only that in stead of Athens, we stopped a few hours in Dubrovnik on the last cruise day. I've noticed you visited also that wonderful old town on another occasion

Maybe you will come to Romania too, even though the sea resorts are not that good as the Bulgarian ones, but we have another interesting things to try.

All the best!


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Name:     Laura  Home
Country: Germany 2007-1-18  05:11 PM
Hi, sorry for my terrible english, but I want to say that your page is so wonderful and amazing! Your pictures are a little bit old but still cool! And the music is a dream!!! I love this page! Great job!
If you want, you can write me back! Bye bye Laura
Comment from Ursula:
thank you for your nice entry! How exciting, to have an entry from the Cute-US5Boys! Wish you much success in your career! Wanted to sign your guestbook, but unfortunately it does not work.

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