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Name:     George and Ana Lisenko  Mail  Home
Country: Calif. USA 2004-10-2  06:34 PM
Hi, We just visited your wonderful site. The pictures are outstanding and they remind me of of Germany where I was born!! If you have time please visit our fun website @ Thanks George and Ana

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Name:     Sebastian  Home
Country: Germany 2004-8-15  07:01 PM

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Name:     Klaus Kubelka  Mail  Home
Country: Deutschland 2004-7-6  02:49 PM
Comment from Ursula:
Hallo Klaus,

danke für Deinen netten Eintrag! Die Reisen haben Andreas und ich gemacht. Thomas hat das schöne Gästebuch kreiert. Deine Seite hat uns auch sehr gefallen - interessant, vielseitig und schöne Bilder.
Weiterhin alles Gute!

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Name:     bindu  Mail
Country: india 2004-6-18  09:21 AM
Very nice site. The fotos are amazing. It gives a realistic view about my country.
I think some of the information needs to be changed.
For example...not all Hindus are strictly vegetarian. A large variety of Indians are strictly Non-vegetarian :). We have great number of dishes to choose from a wonderful Cuisine.
Also marriages are performed on the basis of the "Gotra" as we call it & not "gorta". It is taboo for a girl & guy from the same Gotra to get married as they are considered brother & sister. And there is a scientific reason for this. This culture has been followed in hinduism so that close relatives do not marry & genetic defects do not arise & lead to weaker bloodlines.
And a lage number of love marriages do happen & even in this case we have a traditional wedding. Only when there is parental opposition do the boy& the girl get married on their own in a Registrar's office often with the help of the Police...:).
But otherwise the site is great...U need to come down once more & perhaps u will not be able to believe the changes that have taken place.
Comment from Ursula:
Hello Bindu,

thank you for your appreciating words and interesting information, which we have used for some changes. .

Regarding the chapter about Hinduism we of course know, that there are deviationists in each religion. However, when we talk about the true nature of Hinduism, you certainly will agree, that orthodox Hindus by all means must be vegetarians.


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Name:       Home
Country: Germany 2004-6-17  10:33 PM
.:: Entries have been taken over from the previous guestbook ::.

 Now enjoy the new one provided by TommySoft(TM)

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Name:     Odinn Thor... The REAL Viking  Home
Country: Iceland 2004-5-4  03:20 AM
Fantastic website you have here, glad to put my step on it,
I send you and your visitors my best greetings.
And I just want to say, you are welcome to visit my website as well.

Vous �tes bienvenu pour visiter mon website

Usted es bienvenido visitar mi webpage

D� la bienvenida para visitar mi website.

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Name:     Sarah  Mail
Country: danmark 2004-4-27  05:32 AM
halloo i love London. I have visit London,with my school. I seem London are a nice Country. my name is Sarah

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Name:     Dinesh  Mail  Home
Country: India 2004-3-27  03:32 AM

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Name:     Kenneth J. Hoffer, MD  Mail
Country: USA 2004-2-9  02:44 AM
I was looking up Alcobaca on Google and found your site.
What a wonderful idea.
My wife Marcia and I have just finished our 4th 3.5 month trip to a country of Europe. Our 1st was Italy in '97 followed by the UK & Ireland in '99, Spain & Portugal in '01 and Scandinavia (Norway, Finland, Sweden & Denmark with side to St. Pete, Moscow & Estonia).
I have written a 107 page book on Iberia and editing my thousands of photos and hours of digital video.
It was a pleasure to see your site. Great photos.

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Name:     denise  Home
Country: Holland 2004-1-27  02:09 AM
If you don't have enough of seeing travelpictures, then please have a look at mine!

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